The show must go on!

Actually, the show is just getting started.
With his magnetic stage presence, Tyler will have the crowd mesmerized for the whole show.

The theatre show is always a special thing, it comes to be a muntidisciplinary performance with many artistic expressions coming together, blending poetry, dramatic arts, phisical theatre and of course magic itself into one intense performance.

Now if we are talking about a festival, the approach there is different. Less artsy, more strategic. It goes straight to the point and keeps the audience entertained and interested from the first till the last minute.

Fun, energetic and enthusiastic. Charming too, of course.

The other approach that works well for big crowded festivals is the close-up magic, hoping throug groups and intimateley connectinc with the crowd, performing brief sessions on a face-to-face level.

And keep the show rolling.

Some of the theatres and festivals where Tyler put up a show are: